Exam Instructions for Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging

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Download the SWDCMI Exam Prep Instructions

Peace of Mind. Ease of Use.

SWDCMI believes that patients shouldn’t have to worry about their security or having a hard time making an appointment. That’s why we’ve got an easy to use online patient registration form. Making things easy for you is one of our highest concerns. As always, you can call us at (214) 345-8300 to set up an appointment as well.

Dallas, Texas – PET/CT Exam Preparation

(These preparations must be followed completely to ensure accurate test results.)

  • Do not eat anything after midnight the night before the exam. You may continue to drink only water after midnight.
  • Do not eat anything the morning of the exam
  • Drink plenty of water before the exam. No caffeine, sports drinks, regular or diet colas, or alcohol.
  • No strenuous physical activity or exercise 24 hours prior to your exam.
  • Do not take oral or injectable diabetic medication the day of the exam.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing, preferably sweat pants and top, or Tshirt for scanning. No emblems or designs. If you do not wear the proper clothing you will be asked to change into a gown.
  • Do not wear anything with metal (underwire bra, zippers, buttons, snaps, etc)
  • You may wear your hearing aides, glasses or dentures. They will need to be removed prior to your scan.
  • Leave all valuables at home. All rings and other jewelry will be removed for the scan.
  • Plan to stay 2 to 3 hours.
  • Family members are not permitted in the resting rooms or scan rooms. Please limit family members that will be waiting in the waiting room to a minimum.

Arrival PET/CT

  • Arrive at scheduled time, check in with admitting staff and fill out appropriate paperwork

Dallas, Texas CT/CTA Exam Preperation

(These preparations must be followed completely to ensure accurate test results.)

  • Women during childbearing ages (12-55) should be screened for the possibility of pregnancy before scheduling any CT procedures.
  • Please inform the scheduler if you are allergic to iodine, have impaired kidney function, or are taking oral medication to control your diabetes.
  • It is very important that we speak with you prior to your exam so the radiologist can review your medical history before you arrive.
  • If we are unable to reach you by 3:00 PM the day before your exam, please call our confirmations department at 214-345-8300 or your appointment may need to be rescheduled.
  • Do not eat 3 hours prior to your exam time.
  • You may drink small amounts of water prior to your exam.
  • Family members are not permitted in the scan room. Please limit family members that will be waiting in the waiting room to a minimum.

Arrival CT/CTA

  • Arrive at scheduled time, check in with admitting staff and fill out appropriate paperwork.

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