Author: Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging

Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Some people hide their head in the sand about their aches and pains while others are quick to jump to conclusions. When it comes to cancer symptoms, it is wise to find some middle ground and become knowledgeable. With that in mind, there are certain cancer symptoms you should never ignore.

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The Link Between Smoking And Bladder Cancer

Smoking is an “equal opportunity offender.” It is just as deadly for women as it is for men when it comes to bladder cancer. Regardless of gender, one of the most important risk factors for developing bladder cancer is smoking. Let’s learn more specifics about the link between smoking and bladder cancer.

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How To Tell Family And Friends About A Cancer Diagnosis

Telling those you love that you have cancer is one of the most painful conversations you will ever have. Who to tell and how much to tell are all considerations and must be made thoughtfully. Even if you are not facing such a diagnosis, someone you love may be. Those on both sides of the conversation may need some direction. Here are some thoughts on how to tell family and friends about a cancer diagnosis.

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Can Men Get Breast Cancer?

Can men get breast cancer? Breast cancer can happen to anyone. We most often think about  women getting breast cancer, but men can get this disease too. If you have a breast, you are susceptible to breast cancer. It’s that simple. Now that you know, let’s look at some risk factors and symptoms of male breast cancer.

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The Warnings and Risks Associated with Teen Vaping

If you somehow didn’t know that vaping is dangerous for young kids, teens, and young adults, let’s set the record straight. Yes, vaping is very dangerous. If you’re still not convinced, or your teen isn’t, here are factual warnings and risks associated with vaping.

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Never Ignore These 6 Colon Cancer Warning Signs

Some of us have been reticent lately about seeing the doctor for aches and pains. With the ongoing stay at home orders, many have been putting off calling the doctor for an appointment even though we have some questionable new symptoms. If you have observed some changes to your bowels, don’t wait to call Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging. Never ignore these 6 colon cancer warning signs.

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5 First Steps Following a Cancer Diagnosis

Sadness, worry, and fear are just some of the emotions that engulf a person who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. It is easy to become overwhelmed and paralyzed when you hear those dreaded words, which is why the team at Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging has compiled a list of 5 immediate to-dos that can help you move forward and face the challenges ahead.

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COVID-19 Updates (3/26/20)

We continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and try to balance the needs of those with illnesses that require diagnostics. We are adjusting our guidelines to meet those of the Texas Medical Board (TMD) most recent updated press releases. TMD amended the definition of “Continuing Threat to the Public Welfare” 22 TAC 187.57 (c). Guidelines will continue to be adjusted as necessary to meet the TMD and the State of Texas recommendations.

The emergency rule amends the definition of “Continuing Threat to the Public Welfare,” to include actions specifically prohibited by Executive Order GA-09 as it relates to surgeries and procedures that are “not immediately medically necessary to correct a serious medical condition of, or to preserve the life of, a patient who without immediate performance of the surgery or procedure would be at risk for serious adverse medical consequences or death, as determined by the patient’s physician.”

Effective immediately we will be accepting all patients that our referring physicians deem necessary as defined above. Screening procedures, such as,  screening mammogram, bone density and cardiac scoring will be scheduled after April 18th. (Subject to change) Our goal is to provide unsurpassed patient care to those who are the most in need, while protecting those patients whose elective and routine scans can wait until we can all return safely.

Please note we are taking proper universal precautions by disinfecting our lobbies on a regular basis and disinfecting our procedure rooms between every patient. Of course, hand washing and the use of an approved alcohol-based hand scrub is widely in practice. Lastly, all patients and their guests are prescreened prior to admitting to allow us to take the necessary precautions.

Recent Change(s)

•  Valet – All campus valet service will be suspended until further notice
•  Wheelchair Transport – Professional office building wheelchair transport has been suspended

COVID-19 Updates (3/25/20)


During this very critical time of the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic, Southwest Diagnostic Imaging Center and Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging have a very important responsibility to care for those patients who are most in need. Through the guidance of our State Government and Texas Health Hospital Dallas, we need to care for those patients who are considered Emergency or Urgent Care first. 

Effective immediately we have begun rescheduling all patients whose scans are considered elective or routine. We have also reduced our service hours to Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM 5:00 PM. Our goal is to provide unsurpassed patient care to those who are the most in need, while protecting those patients whose elective and routine scans can wait until we as a nation can return safely. 

Please note we are taking proper universal precautions by disinfecting our lobbies on a regular basis and disinfecting our procedure rooms between every patient. Of course, hand washing and the use of an approved alcoholbased hand scrub is widely in practice. Lastly, all patients and their guests are prescreened prior to admitting to allow us to take the necessary precautions. 

Recent Change(s) 

  • Valet All campus valet service will be suspended until further notice 
  • Wheelchair Transport Professional office building wheelchair transport is suspended until further notice 

ORDERS ACCEPTED WITHOUT VETTING: If your patients have or are experiencing the following symptoms they can be scheduled without vetting:

  1. Patient with an active cancer diagnosis
  2. Palpable head and neck mass suspicious for cancer or abscess
  3. Acute trauma (In this context: acute is a month or less)
  4. Acute neurological event
    • Brain (stroke, seizure, acute or severe headache, acute change in mental status)
    • Spine (paralysis, new radiculopathy, weakness). 
    • Stroke (new onset numbness, dizziness, weakness, dysarthria)
  5. Recent surgery, with follow-up or possible complication (i.e. pain after spine surgery)
  6. Acute abdominal or pelvic pain
  7. New onset (one month or less) mass
  8. Jaundice, elevated bilirubin
  9. Bowel obstruction, vomiting in setting or prior abdominal surgery
  10. Abdominal distention
  11. Breast mass or infection (order needs to include biopsy or aspirate if indicated)
  12. Leg pain or swelling
  13. Hematuria 1
  14. Bloody stool 

Note: All other orders will be referred to our Radiologists to determine if the order is emergent and should be immediately completed or if the order is routine and should be scheduled for a later date.