Cancer Outpatient Center Near Richardson, TX

If you live near Richardson, TX and need to get in touch with a quality, results-driven team of radiologists to monitor your cancer remission, look no further than Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging.

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Why Pick Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging?

SWDCMI has served North Texas since 2003. Fit with state of the art imaging technology, SWDCMI has excellent radiologists and equipment, ready to serve you with a full molecular imaging suite so your results are fast and accurate.

Your oncologist will have unlimited access for consultation with the radiologist. This eliminates friction between your oncologist and our radiologists.

If you are in need of diagnostic imaging in South Texas, please contact our office at (214) 345-8300 and schedule an appointment today!

The mission of Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging is to provide the most advanced diagnostic imaging technology available, exemplary service to healthcare providers, and unsurpassed care for patients.