COVID-19 Updates (3/26/20)

We continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and try to balance the needs of those with illnesses that require diagnostics. We are adjusting our guidelines to meet those of the Texas Medical Board (TMD) most recent updated press releases. TMD amended the definition of “Continuing Threat to the Public Welfare” 22 TAC 187.57 (c). Guidelines will continue to be adjusted as necessary to meet the TMD and the State of Texas recommendations.

The emergency rule amends the definition of “Continuing Threat to the Public Welfare,” to include actions specifically prohibited by Executive Order GA-09 as it relates to surgeries and procedures that are “not immediately medically necessary to correct a serious medical condition of, or to preserve the life of, a patient who without immediate performance of the surgery or procedure would be at risk for serious adverse medical consequences or death, as determined by the patient’s physician.”

Effective immediately we will be accepting all patients that our referring physicians deem necessary as defined above. Screening procedures, such as,  screening mammogram, bone density and cardiac scoring will be scheduled after April 18th. (Subject to change) Our goal is to provide unsurpassed patient care to those who are the most in need, while protecting those patients whose elective and routine scans can wait until we can all return safely.

Please note we are taking proper universal precautions by disinfecting our lobbies on a regular basis and disinfecting our procedure rooms between every patient. Of course, hand washing and the use of an approved alcohol-based hand scrub is widely in practice. Lastly, all patients and their guests are prescreened prior to admitting to allow us to take the necessary precautions.

Recent Change(s)

•  Valet – All campus valet service will be suspended until further notice
•  Wheelchair Transport – Professional office building wheelchair transport has been suspended