Study Confirms Omega 3s Have No Effect on Prostate Cancer Risk

There has been a worrisome belief that if you eat foods high in Omega 3 or take these types of supplements, you might be at a higher risk for prostate cancer. Fortunately, a recent study confirms none of this to be true!

The Good News

Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to deliver multiple benefits to our bodies. They help with depression, anxiety, and most importantly, improved heart health.

Previous studies conducted in both 2013 and 2017 were looking at the risks and benefits of Omega 3, especially from fish, and suspected there could be a link to prostate cancer.

Two studies were released in November of 2019 that confirm Omega 3 fatty acids have no effect on prostate cancer. In fact, higher levels of Omega 3 from fish have protective and prostate cancer lowering effects in men.

In the first study, 87 men with prostate cancer were tested for plasma levels of DHA and EPA, two common Omega 3 fatty acids. When they compared this to a matched group of 149 men, they found that higher omega 3 levels did not coincide with elevated prostate cancer risks.

More Good News

The second study looked at 894 men about to undergo coronary angiography, which is a diagnostic exam that measures how blood flows through the arteries of the heart. These men had no history of a heart attack or coronary disease, however it was concluded after testing that 40% had severe heart disease.

Researchers then measured the subject’s plasma levels of Omega 3 and watched for any heart attacks, strokes, or heart failure thereafter. The results showed that those with higher levels of Omega 3 had a lower risk of adverse effects in the future. What they found was a link between higher levels of Omega 3 and their survival rates.

The Best News

Omega 3 fatty acids, especially those derived from fish, give you the best of both worlds by helping to maintain heart health while also contributing to lower heart disease rates and death.

Not to mention, none of the research proved that any patients were at a greater risk for prostate cancer from Omega 3 fatty acids.

Go ahead and make that dinner reservation at your favorite seafood restaurant, and feel free to start adding fish as a regular component to your weekly diet. Make an appointment with Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging to check your Omega 3 levels and discover what you can do to increase them.

As always, if you have any further questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call (214) 345-8300 today!