Author: Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging

COVID-19 Updates (3/16/20)

An important update from Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging regarding your upcoming appointment

At Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular imaging, the safety and well-being of our patients, our staff, and our community is our number one priority. We would like to share up-to-date information and resources related to the Coronavirus outbreak and its relevance to your upcoming visit.

This is a disconcerting and challenging time for all of us, but as a healthcare provider, we must stay open to support our physicians and care for our patients. We are taking proper universal precautions by disinfecting our lobbies on a regular basis and disinfecting our procedure rooms between every patient. Of course, hand washing and the use of an approved alcohol-based hand scrub is widely in practice. Lastly, all patients and their guests are prescreened prior to admitting to allow us to take the necessary precautions.

Recent Change(s)

  • Valet – All campus valet service will be suspended until further notice.
  • Wheelchair Transport – Professional office building wheelchair transport is suspended until further notice.

Feeling Sick?

  • Please contact our office, (214)345-6905, ahead of your appointment to determine if special precautions should be taken during your visit.

Steps for prevention:

  • Stay home when you are sick, except to seek medical care.
  • Avoid large gatherings and crowded places. Avoid hospitals and nursing homes, unless you are there to receive medical care.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, throw it away when finished, then thoroughly wash hands.
  • Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Clean frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Pay attention for potential COVID-19 symptoms, including cough, fever, and shortness of breath. If you think you are developing symptoms, call your doctor.

Looking for more information? 

Dallas County Health and Human Services,(972) 692-2780
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention,

Ways to Tell Your Child of Your Cancer Diagnosis

Once you have taken in the reality of your own cancer diagnosis, it can be gut wrenching to share it with your loved ones. This becomes exponentially more difficult if you have children. There are ways to tell your child of your cancer diagnosis, to be honest with them, and do so without frightening them.

Continue reading “Ways to Tell Your Child of Your Cancer Diagnosis”

Top Diagnostic Imaging Tests to Use When Dealing with Cancer

Anyone who is having new or unusual symptoms often worries about the possibility of cancer as the cause. In these cases, the very best scenario is an early diagnosis, which is crucial to prevent the spread of cancerous cells and to increase the chances of success after treatment. To accomplish this, Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging uses various imaging tests to both diagnose and monitor the patient during treatment.

Continue reading “Top Diagnostic Imaging Tests to Use When Dealing with Cancer”

November Is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

According to the CDC, lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, and is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both men and women. Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging recommends that everyone understands the known risk factors for lung cancer and takes preventative action against them by implementing simple lifestyle changes.

Continue reading “November Is Lung Cancer Awareness Month”

Understanding the Stages of Colon Cancer

Like most other cancers, colorectal cancer has clinical and surgical stages set by the American Joint Committee On Cancer. These stages outline and determine how serious the cancer is and how best to treat it, making the identification and understanding of the stages of colon cancer helpful not only for physicians, but also for patients.

Continue reading “Understanding the Stages of Colon Cancer”