Category: Cancer

7 Things To Do Prior To Cancer Treatment Beginning

Getting a cancer diagnosis is like a punch to the gut. This is especially true if you weren’t expecting this outcome. Once you have caught your breath, the inner you must begin to deal with what comes next. There will be treatment options and much to learn, but let’s start with 7 things to do prior to cancer treatment beginning.

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Helping Your Family Cope With the Stress of a Cancer Diagnosis

When you are diagnosed with cancer, it is like an earthquake. Not only do you have to deal with this news, but you need to tell your family. Whom should you tell first, how to tell them, when, and what to say are all unfamiliar tasks. Not only do you need to come to terms with cancer, but now you are responsible for helping your family cope with the stress of a cancer diagnosis.

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7 Ways You Can Lower Your Risk Of Colon Cancer

As with all cancers, catching the disease early in its development is all-important in preventing a polyp or tumor from becoming cancerous. Right now finding colon cancer before it becomes malignant has never been easier. Let’s find out some details about that, as well as 7 ways you can lower your risk of colon cancer.

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Esophageal Cancer Prevention And Risk Factors

The American Cancer Society estimates 19,260 new esophageal cancer cases will be diagnosed this year. This includes 15,310 men and 3,950 women. Deaths from this cancer are estimated at 15,530 in 2021. However, treatment for esophageal cancer has improved and survival rates are getting much better. You would be wise to learn more about esophageal cancer prevention and risk factors.

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Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Some people hide their head in the sand about their aches and pains while others are quick to jump to conclusions. When it comes to cancer symptoms, it is wise to find some middle ground and become knowledgeable. With that in mind, there are certain cancer symptoms you should never ignore.

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How To Tell Family And Friends About A Cancer Diagnosis

Telling those you love that you have cancer is one of the most painful conversations you will ever have. Who to tell and how much to tell are all considerations and must be made thoughtfully. Even if you are not facing such a diagnosis, someone you love may be. Those on both sides of the conversation may need some direction. Here are some thoughts on how to tell family and friends about a cancer diagnosis.

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5 First Steps Following a Cancer Diagnosis

Sadness, worry, and fear are just some of the emotions that engulf a person who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. It is easy to become overwhelmed and paralyzed when you hear those dreaded words, which is why the team at Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imaging has compiled a list of 5 immediate to-dos that can help you move forward and face the challenges ahead.

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